Who We Are

An extensive network of Medical Specialists, all certified by the ‘AMERICAN BOARD OF MEDICAL SPECIALISTS’ (ABMS.ORG). Specialists with active license to practice in their specialty across the United States Specialists trained in the best Universities and Medical Centers in the United States, and with ongoing professional education With client companies in various countries in the Americas, the Middle East, Europe and Asia with more than 5.2 million members currently

Our Members

For our Members, the SMO service can help eliminate unnecessary procedures, trial and error treatments for rare conditions, misdiagnoses, and inappropriate treatments often associated with high costs and patient morbidity.   

When you are facing a new medical diagnosis, it’s common to feel confused and scared. Making decisions can be very difficult as you navigate your healthcare system, especially when you need to choose between several treatment options.

How do you know you have been diagnosed correctly or are making the right treatment choices? 

It’s imperative that you get a second opinion when you face a medical condition that is   life-changing or life-threatening.  

Get an Expert Medical Opinion without Leaving Home

Our online international medical second opinion service offers members access to medical specialists throughout the United States, regardless of where the member lives or their purchasing power. Everything is done from your computer using a simple system which allows you to enter all the information for your case and upload all supporting medical documentation

If the member faces a complex medical problem or a difficult treatment decision, he or she can get a second opinion from a first level specialist who can provide valuable guidance and help build trust and confidence — and without having to leave home!

Expertise in all Medical Specialties

Receiving a SECOND Opinion

Is CRITICAL for any person diagnosed with a serious illness or medical condition that could impact their quality of life or possibly result in their Death. The case is evaluated and the second opinion prepared by one or several highly qualified SPECIALISTS, all CERTIFIED and currently practicing in the United States. Having Access to a SECOND MEDICAL OPINION can be a matter of Life and Death. 


You do NOT have to leave your house, setup appointments or travel to the USA – everything is done via Internet in a simple and fast way

Through our Second Medical Opinion service, you have access to top specialists in their field without having to leave home

A just a few minutes on your computer, may save your life!

An SMO for your unique Case

WHAT is it?

SMO Provides the Member and their treating physician:

All types of Pathologies and medical specialties

Consultations in all types of pathology and medical specialty, when a member suffers or is diagnosed with a disease or medical condition potentially fatal, incurable, progressive, chronic and/or that affects the quality of life, or when the treatment for the condition creates a high level of risk for the individual, is considered complex or potentially results in greater complications for your health in general

WHAT is it?


The findings of this study indicated that when patients sought a second opinion, the original diagnosis was confirmed only 12% of the time. Among those with updated diagnoses, 66% received a more refined diagnosis in relation to the original, while 21% of the new diagnoses completely contrasted with the original diagnosis.
Did you know that medical errors occur in approximately 15% of all diagnostic cases? In the last twenty-five years, almost 29% of insurance claims have been attributed to diagnostic errors, which has cost insurance companies nearly USD 40 billion.

Would you worry if the diagnosis of a Life & Death condition is correct; If the treatment recommended by your doctor is the most appropriate for your case? Would you know where to go and get answers to your questions and from the best experts in the field worldwide? Would you have the money to pay for this service?
Of the dozens of procedures and treatments available or newly developed worldwide for your condition, which would give you your best chance to survive?

Would you worry if the diagnosis of a Life & Death condition is correct; If the treatment recommended by your doctor is the most appropriate for your case? Would you know where to go and get answers to your questions and from the best experts in the field worldwide? Would you have the money to pay for this service?

Beyond these stats, the saddest result of these diagnostic errors is Death, especially those that could have been avoided by a quick consultation with another medical professional.
A Second Medical Opinion can save lives ... perhaps yours

BENEFITS for the Contracting Company


Attract new customers Provide significant, tangible, and low-cost value to help retain existing customers


Differentiate any product or service in the market, be they health-oriented or of any other type


Control loss costs in Health and Life portfolios

How It Works