INDUASE CORP was founded and registered in the State of Florida, USA since 2000. It was initially established as a consulting services operation, focused exclusively on the ‘Personal Lines insurance industry in Latin America. Over time howeever INDUASE has had an important evolution, becoming a group of companies, integrated and focused on designing, supporting and promoting innovative products worldwide.

About Us

INDUASE CORP is a group of companies (Houston InterMedical and Long-Term Care Solutions) providing two main mass-market products; International Second Medical Opinion (SMO) and Long-term Care (LTC), to insurances companies, banks, affinity groups, healthcare providers, credit card companies and others. INDUASE also provides new product design and development services as well as marketing and mass-distribution channel strategies, to claims processing and management support.

What We Offer

Houston InterMedical Consultants’ ‘International Second Medical Opinion’ is provided by world-class medical specialists in all pathologies who have active medical licenses and are fully certified by The American Board of Medical Specialists. The service is offered on a remote basis to patients in all parts of the world, without the person having to leave his/her home to receive an expert opinion about their specific illness or medical condition.

Our Focus

Our focus for these products is ‘mass markets’ – with extremely low pricing (price depends on volume/size of group)making them very affordable. The focus is ‘Group’ business and ‘Collective’ business (when the product forms part of another mass-market offering). Our clients include insurance and reinsurance companies, financial entities of all types, afinity groups, chain stores, cooperatives, associations, universities and schools, travel assistance companies, among others.

Our Clients

INDUASE has clients throughout the world including Latin America, USA, the Middle East, Europe, the Indian sub-continent, Africa and Asia.

Latin America


Middle East


Indian sub-continent

Africa and Asia